The Information Centre of Lubana Wetland offers various services - both for holidaymakers and anglers, hunters and other guests of the Information center.

We are located in a beautiful nook of Latvia's nature and we willingly share our knowledge with others, so come and visit us, find more about the vast Lubana Lake and the nature reserve "Lubana Wetland".

In the Information Centre of Lubana  Wetland you will find printed copies of tourist guides, binoculars too observe the birds and landscapes and an orienteering game that take place in the surroundings of the Information center. We offer also individually organized hiking trips, tour guide services and information about the nature complex "Lubana Wetland", its natural values and cultural history.

To find out more feel free to contact us: [email protected] or +371 29234956.


The hostel-type accommodation is situated on the second floor of the Information Centre of Lubana Wetland, where you will find two rooms with three beds in each room. There are also available 4 additional spaces on hay mattresses. 

In the accommodation you will have an access to a small shared kitchen with fridge, stove, kettle, as well as dishes and cutlery. 

The accommodation includes also a shared bathroom.


  • 20 EUR per person/per night;

Active recreation and fishing:

 Boat rental:

For active recreation there are 4 canoe boats and 1 fishing boat available at the Information Centre.

We suggest you the best boating directions on the Lubana Lake according to tour wishes, weather conditions and previous boating experience.


1. Fishing boat rental:

  • 1 hours - 4 EUR;
  • full day - 15 EUR.

2. Canoe boat rental:

  • 1 hours - 4 EUR;
  • full day - 15 EUR.

Boat rides ont the Aiviekste river

 Routes, canoe rental, transportation of boats and passengers offered. (

Reservation in advance by calling +371 25434346, 

[email protected]; society "Aborieši", phone nr. +371 26649344 - Māris).

Excursions and routes:

Tour guide service in territory of Lubana Wetland (informative report about Lubāna Wetland, flora, fauna, nature, birds, cultural history according to individual agreement):

Provided routs:

  • 2,5 hours (ride around the Lubana Lake, bird watching tower, walk on the Tirumnieku swamp trail);
  • 1 – 1,5 hours (informative report about the Lubana Wetland in the Information Center, walk along the dam and Aiviekste River with bird watching, ride to the bird watching tower in Zvidzes channel or WTDC “Bāka” viewing platform);
  • 1,5 hours (WTDC “Bāka” viewing platform, a visit to the Tirumnieku swamp);
  • 1 – 1,5 hours (informative report about the Lubana Wetland in the Information Centere, walk along the dam with bird watching + orienteering in the surroundings of the Information Centre (by donation));
  • Tailor made routs according to your wishes and resources.


  • <10 people - 20 EUR/h;
  • > 10 people - 2 EUR/per person/h.

Space rental:

On the first floor of the Information Centre it is possible to rent the space for events (seminars, celebrations) for up to 20 people.

On the first floor there is also a kitchen and bathroom available.

For seminars it is possible to rent also a projector and screen.


  • 250 EUR/for 24 hours (both 1st and 2nd floor);
  • 10 EUR/per hour (on our working hours).

Orienteering in the surroundings of the Lubana Wetland Information Centre: 

Did you know that by visiting us in the Lubana Wetland Information Centre as a part of the event “The secrets of Lubana Lake” or just without any specific reason by exploring our land you can stretch your legs by participating in the Orienteering game?

Alone, together with someone or with family, adult or a child - explore, sneak through and fell the the nature reserve "Lubana Wetland" to the bone!